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  • Air Force BRAC program nears transfer milestones

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- Just over an acre of land in the middle of Alaska and 263 acres outside a small town in Illinois.  While the numbers may not seem impressive, they represent an Air Force milestone.Between now and the end of 2022, if all goes according to plan, the Air Force

  • MEDIA RELEASE: AF awards contract to accelerate cleanup at Galena FOL

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center has awarded a $42.6 million contract to accelerate environmental cleanup while saving millions of taxpayer dollars at the former Galena Forward Operating Location in Galena, Alaska. The performance-based remediation contract went to Parsons, who teamed with CH2M

  • Homeward bound: Air Force reunites Alaska families with sled dogs

    For six days a week, a small 30-passenger, chartered plane touched down on the runway in Galena, Alaska, carrying a team of contractors with the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, their equipment and supplies for conducting environmental investigations at the former Air Force Galena Forward Operating