The Facility Engineering Directorate, or CF, is a key enabler for the U.S. National Defense Strategy. The CF team designs and constructs cost-effective,
sustainable built infrastructure which provides the power projection platforms necessary for air and space operations.
AFCEC’s diverse military, civilian and contracted facility engineering team also oversees Department of Defense and Department of the Air Force facilities criteria development while leveraging data-driven business practices to efficiently field construction materials and services. Additionally, it delivers safe, quality design and construction results, within established time and cost parameters.
Our Vision: Dedicated people applying our expertise, through a Team of Teams, to design and construct Built Infrastructure for Air and Space Missions.
Our Goal: To be respected leaders of Air Force Built Infrastructure Program delivery, recognized for design and construction excellence.
Our goal establishes how we will achieve our vision.
The directorate consists of five divisions providing integrated installation support through the design and construction of built infrastructure in the military construction program and the facilities sustainment, restoration and modernization program for the Air and Space missions.