The United States Air Force (USAF), 611th Air Support Group, prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) for construction of a new access road to the Oliktok Long Range Radar Site (LRRS) in northern Alaska. The USAF identified a Preferred Alternative (PA) and signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Finding of No Practicable Alternative (FONPA) in April 2005. Since the signed FONSI/FONPA, a privately owned parking area was constructed at the location where the USAF PA connected to the existing road. The 2005 PA has since been revised to intersect with the existing road just east of Drill Pad 3Q and west of the 2005 EA intersection location and includes the addition of an overhead powerline. The Administrative Update to the EA, incorporated by reference into this finding, presents the analysis of potential environmental consequences of activities associated with the revised PA, and provides environmental protection measures to avoid or reduce adverse environmental impacts.
The Oliktok LRRS is located at Oliktok Point on the Beaufort Sea, approximately 35 miles from the communities of Prudhoe Bay and Nuiqsut. The LRRS currently serves peacetime air surveillance as part of the North American Air Defense Command, and is adjacent to private oil exploration and production infrastructure. The existing access road and underground utilities to the Oliktok LRRS follows the coast from Oliktok Point to the LRRS facility and is subject to seasonal damage from storm and wave action from the Beaufort Sea. Extensive reconstruction efforts have been made annually to repair both the road and the underground lines to maintain consistent access and power to the LRRS.
The current PA has been redesigned from the 2005 PA at its southern end to avoid the parking area, and will construct an approximately one-mile-long road from an inland portion of the existing road system to the Oliktok LRRS, providing year-round, unimpeded access to the facility. Additionally, the installation of an overhead powerline will be constructed to replace the existing one buried underground beneath the old road. Two other build alternatives were considered during the 2005 EA effort, both of which had slightly different routes for the new road and its intersection with the existing road system. The proposed action satisfies both the project need as well as the desired security associated with surrounding oil exploration and production facilities. The No Action alternative would result in a negative impact to the environment, as future storm and wave action against road stabilization efforts would result in continued material transport into the salt marsh lagoon.
The project is located within an extensive wetland area with no upland areas present within the vicinity, as such, there are no practicable alternatives to siting the project in an area containing wetlands subject to the requirements of EO 11990. Prior to project implementation, USAF would obtain a U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) permit in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) to ensure the project meets all applicable terms and conditions. Pursuant to EO 11990 and information presented in the Administrative Update to the 2005 EA, there is no practicable alternative to the PA, and the Proposed Action includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to the environment. This finding fulfills the requirements of the referenced EO and 32 CFR 989 for a FONPA.
For further information or to comment on this Proposed Action contact: Via USPS : AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Sean Palmer), 10471 20th Street Suite 323, JBER, AK 99506-2200 Via FedEx or UPS: AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Sean Palmer), 10471 20th Street Suite 323, JBER, AK 99506-2200 Via email: (Include Attn. Oliktok Long Range Radar Station in the subject line) via phone at 1-866-725-7617 (mention Oliktok Long Range Radar Station) Relevant documents are: DRAFT FONSI/FONPA Oliktok Long Range Radar Station