AFCEC Organizational Structure


AFCEC Leadership (CL)


Chief Financial Officer (CR)


  • Environmental (CRE)
  • Facilities (CRF)
  • Integration (CRI)


Staff Judge Advocate (JA)



Installation Technology Functional Management Office (CT)



Director of Staff (DS)

The Director of Staff Directorate manages and oversees mission support activities for the Air Force Civil Engineer Center. These activities include execution of the public affairs, human resources management, protocol, civil engineering history, workflow, and strategic engagement programs. The director of staff is also responsible for strategic planning and initiatives, facility management, safety, emergency management, and the director’s inspection program.

  • Human Resources (DSH)
  • Mission Support (DSM)
  • Chief Information Office (DST)
  • Public Affairs (PA)

Fact Sheet: Director of Staff Fact Sheet

Facility Engineering Directorate (CF)

The Facility Engineering Directorate is a key enabler for the U.S. National Defense Strategy. The CF team designs and constructs cost-effective, sustainable built infrastructure which provides the power projection platforms necessary for air and space operations. AFCEC's diverse military , civilian and contracted facility engineering team also oversees Department of Defense and Department of the Air Force facilities criteria development while leveraging data-driven business practices to efficiently field construction materials and services. Additionally, it delivers safe, quality design and construction results, within established time and cost parameters.

Installations Directorate (CI)

The Installations Directorate, located at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, has a primary mission of providing enterprise-wide real estate solutions that support current and future Air Force missions, Airmen and their families. The directorate conducts the strategic acquisition, management and disposal of Air Force real property and executes the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations' land and facilities policies through a full suite of services, including appraisals, lease renewals, licenses, easements, title opinions, environmental cleanup and transfer of property impacted by base realignment and closure. The directorate consists of five divisions:

  • BRAC Program Management (CIB)
  • Air Force Portfolio Management (CIM)
  • Real Estate Transactions (CIT)
  • Strategic Asset Utilization (CIU)

Fact Sheet: Installations Directorate Fact Sheet

Energy Directorate (CN)

The Energy Directorate, located at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, delivers secure, sustainable and efficient energy solutions so installations have the resources they need to execute the mission. Through close partnership with energy policy and installation leaders, the directorate identifies, evaluates and helps implement technologies and funding strategies to reduce Air Force energy consumption, develop new sources of energy and lead conservation efforts across the service. The directorate consists of three divisions:

  • Performance Measurement and Analysis (CNA)
  • Program Development (CND)
  • Rates and Renewables (CNR)

Fact Sheet: Energy Directorate Fact Sheet

Operations Directorate (CO)

The Operations Directorate, located at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, is installation leaders' primary resource for maintaining facilities and infrastructure to help accomplish their mission. The directorate provides operations support to develop and apply best management practices, mission-oriented training systems, and facility and infrastructure standards to the Air Force civil engineer community. The Operations Directorate provides force development for approximately 21,000 civil engineers and consists of five divisions:

  • Asset Visibility (COA)
  • Force Development (COF)
  • Civil Engineer Maintenance, Inspection and Repair (COM)
  • Operations Maintenance (COO)
  • Engineer (COS)

Fact Sheet: Operations Directorate Fact Sheet

Planning & Integration Directorate (CP)

The Planning & Integration Directorate, located at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, provides a comprehensive framework to enable strategic and long-term planning to support the Air Force and its customers at the combined, joint, major command and installation levels through development of investment strategies. It ensures the right acquisition strategies and tools are available to execute the civil engineer enterprise investment strategy.

Planners provide input to the National Environmental Policy Act process, analyze installation complexes, and manage installation development and encroachment. Integrators analyze the Enterprise Activity Management Plan Program development investment, define and prioritize requirements, and advocate for facilities, utilities and transportation. The directorate is divided into three divisions:


  • Activity Integration (CPA)
  • Enterprise Procurement (CPE)
  • Comprehensive Planning (CPP)

Fact Sheet: Planning & Integration Directorate Fact Sheet

Readiness Directorate (CX)

From expeditionary combat deployment to disaster response and emergency services, the Readiness Directorate, located at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, enables the Air Force's logistics, sustainment and maintenance of deployed forces and rapidly delivers materials, services and construction for contingencies, disasters and international conflicts. Subject matter experts in expeditionary engineering provide combat support, guidance, management and planning for the Air Force explosive ordnance disposal program; establish technical and administrative policy guidance for fire emergency operations; and manage the Installation Protection and Emergency Management programs. The directorate consists of six divisions:

  • Requirements and Acquisition (CXA)
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (CXD)
  • Fire Emergency Services (CXF)
  • Emergency Management (CXR)
  • Expeditionary Engineering (CXX)
  • Joint Explosive Ordnance Technology (CXE)

Fact Sheet: Readiness Directorate Fact Sheet

Environmental Management Directorate (CZ)

The Environmental Management Directorate is responsible for managing the Air Force compliance, restoration, sustainability and National Environmental Policy Act programs. The directorate also provides environmental technical assistance and advice to Air Force installations, major commands, higher headquarters and interagency partners. The directorate develops execution strategies for environmental and sustainability issues, as well as projects and programs based on best practices garnered from experience and research. The directorate is divided into six divisions:

  • Compliance Program Management Office (CZC)
  • National Environmental Policy Act (CZN)
  • Operations (CZO)
  • Regulatory and Legislative Engagement (CZP)
  • Restoration Program Management Office (CZR)
  • Technical Support (CZT)

Fact Sheet: Environmental Management Directorate Fact Sheet

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