Programmatic Environmental Assessment-Reduction/Mgt of Fuel Loads

The U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) has prepared a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the Reduction and Management of Fuel Loads on Department of the Air Force-Managed Lands. 

The purpose of the Proposed Action is to reduce and manage fuel loads on DAF-managed lands in a manner that supports mission sustainment and builds ecosystem resiliency that promotes biodiversity and sustainability, resulting in the protection of natural and cultural resources.

The PEA assesses the potential impacts associated within various fuel reduction and management activities through the implementation of a full suite of fuels management tools as deemed appropriate on DAF-managed lands. These various methods would comply with all applicable federal and state regulations, and permitting requirements.  Once a decision is made to implement fuel reduction and management activities at a particular installation, the DAF would conduct follow-on site-specific environmental analysis tiering from the PEA document using the information provided in the analysis.

For further information or to comment on this Proposed Action contact:
Via USPS : AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Robin Divine), 13 Willis Way, Conway, AR 72032
Via FedEx or UPS: AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Robin Divine), 13 Willis Way, Conway, AR 72032
Via email: (Include Attn. Reduction and Management of Fuel Loads PEA in the subject line)
via phone at 1-866-725-7617 (mention Reduction and Management of Fuel Loads PEA)

Relevant documents are
PEA Reduction Mgmt of Fuels Loads