National Environmental Policy Act Center

NEPA Center logoIn September 2010, the Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment and Logistics, or SAF/IE, called for the establishment of the Air Force National Environmental Policy Act Center and set a course for the Air Force to get "back to basics" in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act. As a result, the NEPA Center was established in November 2010 and was realigned under the Air Force Civil Engineer Center's Environmental Directorate in 2013. As a result of the realignment, the center was renamed the NEPA Division.

What is NEPA?

On January 1, 1970, President Richard M. Nixon signed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the world's first national declaration of environmental policy. NEPA outlined requirements of an environmental review process before any governmental decision to take an action. It also established the President's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), which coordinates environmental efforts with federal agencies in the development of environmental policies and initiatives. In 1978, the CEQ issued binding regulations which implement the procedural provisions of NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508).

Overall, NEPA promotes environmental, economic and social balance at federal agencies through compliance with NEPA's goal to "encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment."

What is EIAP?

To meet federal requirements outlined in both NEPA and CEQ regulations, the Air Force codified their formal NEPA analysis process in 32 CFR Part 989 - Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP). EIAP is the Air Force's NEPA compliance program. It also provides the framework for complying with overseas environmental impact analysis requirements."

What do they provide?

The NEPA Division offers expertise in the management and oversight of NEPA projects and in the implementation of new and streamlined approaches to support compliance with NEPA. The NEPA Center, located at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas at the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, offers a full range of services to provide technical, execution, oversight and program support for NEPA projects for installations, major commands, air staff and other clients in support of Air Force mission proposals.

Inquiries may be directed to the NEPA Division mailbox at

United States Space Command Permanent Headquarters Environmental Assessment

The Department of Defense identified the need to standup a new combatant command for space (i.e., USSPACECOM) and designated the DAF as the Interim Combatant Command Support Agent for this command.

To function efficiently, USSPACECOM must permanently establish a consolidated HQ facility. This EA evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with establishing a permanent USSPACECOM HQ at one of six alternative sites in the United States (Proposed Action). The Proposed Action includes construction and operation of an HQ facility specifically designed to accommodate the functional requirements of USSPACECOM.

Approximately 1,450 personnel would be assigned to the proposed HQ facility, although staffing levels could vary depending on mission and operational requirements. Should there be a validated requirement to base personnel beyond 1,450, separate basing actions and associated approvals may need to occur before such basing could be considered reasonably foreseeable.

Additionally, USSPACECOM may support contractors and mission partners who would be co-located with the permanent HQ and, therefore, the impact of 1,800 personnel is included in this EA. The proposed HQ would consist of approximately 464,000 square feet of office, administrative, and functional interior space across multiple stories.

The main HQ building would be supported by approximately 402,000 square feet of vehicle parking in surface lots and/or parking structures. Under the No Action Alternative, a single, permanent USSPACECOM HQ facility would not be built.

The following environmental resources analyzed in the EA: land use and zoning, noise, air quality and climate, earth resources, water resources, biological resources, cultural resources, socioeconomics and environmental justice, transportation, and hazardous and toxic materials and waste. Resources, not meaningfully or measurably affected by the Proposed Action, include occupational safety and health, and utilities and infrastructure, were dismissed from detailed analysis.

Based on the analysis presented in this EA, the DAF has determined that with implementation of regulatory compliance measures and other alternative-specific design commitments included in this EA, the Proposed Action would have no significant impacts on the human or natural environment.

USSPACECOM - FINAL - Environmental Assessment

Relevant documents are:
2019 USSC Final - Environmental Assessment
2019 USCC Final - Environmental Assessment Appendices A-F
2019 USSC HQ Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
USSPACECOM - Memorandum of Agreement for Environmental Assessment (Signed)

Programmatic Environmental Assessment-Oliktok Long Range Radar Site

The United States Air Force (USAF), 611th Air Support Group, prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) for construction of a new access road to the Oliktok Long Range Radar Site (LRRS) in northern Alaska. The USAF identified a Preferred Alternative (PA) and signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Finding of No Practicable Alternative (FONPA) in April 2005. Since the signed FONSI/FONPA, a privately owned parking area was constructed at the location where the USAF PA connected to the existing road. The 2005 PA has since been revised to intersect with the existing road just east of Drill Pad 3Q and west of the 2005 EA intersection location and includes the addition of an overhead powerline. The Administrative Update to the EA, incorporated by reference into this finding, presents the analysis of potential environmental consequences of activities associated with the revised PA, and provides environmental protection measures to avoid or reduce adverse environmental impacts.

The Oliktok LRRS is located at Oliktok Point on the Beaufort Sea, approximately 35 miles from the communities of Prudhoe Bay and Nuiqsut. The LRRS currently serves peacetime air surveillance as part of the North American Air Defense Command, and is adjacent to private oil exploration and production infrastructure. The existing access road and underground utilities to the Oliktok LRRS follows the coast from Oliktok Point to the LRRS facility and is subject to seasonal damage from storm and wave action from the Beaufort Sea. Extensive reconstruction efforts have been made annually to repair both the road and the underground lines to maintain consistent access and power to the LRRS.

The current PA has been redesigned from the 2005 PA at its southern end to avoid the parking area, and will construct an approximately one-mile-long road from an inland portion of the existing road system to the Oliktok LRRS, providing year-round, unimpeded access to the facility. Additionally, the installation of an overhead powerline will be constructed to replace the existing one buried underground beneath the old road. Two other build alternatives were considered during the 2005 EA effort, both of which had slightly different routes for the new road and its intersection with the existing road system. The proposed action satisfies both the project need as well as the desired security associated with surrounding oil exploration and production facilities. The No Action alternative would result in a negative impact to the environment, as future storm and wave action against road stabilization efforts would result in continued material transport into the salt marsh lagoon.

The project is located within an extensive wetland area with no upland areas present within the vicinity, as such, there are no practicable alternatives to siting the project in an area containing wetlands subject to the requirements of EO 11990. Prior to project implementation, USAF would obtain a U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) permit in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) to ensure the project meets all applicable terms and conditions. Pursuant to EO 11990 and information presented in the Administrative Update to the 2005 EA, there is no practicable alternative to the PA, and the Proposed Action includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to the environment. This finding fulfills the requirements of the referenced EO and 32 CFR 989 for a FONPA.

For further information or to comment on this Proposed Action contact:
Via USPS : AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Sean Palmer), 10471 20th Street Suite 323, JBER, AK 99506-2200
Via FedEx or UPS: AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Sean Palmer), 10471 20th Street Suite 323, JBER, AK 99506-2200
Via email: (Include Attn. Oliktok Long Range Radar Station in the subject line)
via phone at 1-866-725-7617 (mention Oliktok Long Range Radar Station)

Relevant documents are:
DRAFT FONSI/FONPA Oliktok Long Range Radar Station

Programmatic Environmental Assessment-WAKE ISLAND AIRFIELD

Pursuant to provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Title 42 United States Code Sections 4321 to 4347, implemented by Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations, Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §1500-1508, and 32 CFR §989, Environmental Impact Analysis Process, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) assessed the potential environmental consequences associated with future installation development at Wake Island Airfield (WIA), Wake Island Atoll, from Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 through 2028. 

The purpose of the Proposed Action is to construct, repair, and demolish existing assets and infrastructure at WIA from FY 2024 through 2028 to support current and future mission requirements by maintaining and providing needed infrastructure in a manner that: 

• Meets current USAF requirements for functional space, consistent with Air Force Manual 32-1084, Civil Engineering Facility Requirements (15 January 2020). 

• Provides reliable utilities and an efficient transportation system to support WIA, consistent with Air Force Manual 32-1084. 

• Supports and enhances the morale and welfare of personnel assigned to the installation, their families, and civilian staff, consistent with Department of Defense Instruction 1015.10, Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs. 

• Follows applicable standards for resilient built installation infrastructure in the Department of Defense Climate Adaptation Plan (1 September 2021).

The Proposed Action is needed for WIA to update aging infrastructure that will not meet the current or future mission requirements and to demolish existing buildings that are no longer in use or are unsafe to enter. Many of the existing deteriorating buildings are known or suspected to contain hazardous substances such as asbestos containing materials (ACM), lead based paint (LBP), and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). Aging facilities, saltwater corrosion from proximity to the ocean, and tropical storms have contributed to the deterioration of infrastructure at WIA. 

The Programmatic EA, incorporated by reference into this finding, analyzes the potential environmental consequences of activities associated with the Proposed Action and provides environmental protection measures to avoid or reduce adverse environmental impacts. The Programmatic EA considers all potential impacts of the Proposed Action, and the No Action Alternative.

For further information or to comment on this Proposed Action contact:
Via USPS : AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Sean Palmer), 10471 20th Street Suite 323, JBER, AK 99506-2200
Via FedEx or UPS: AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Sean Palmer), 10471 20th Street Suite 323, JBER, AK 99506-2200
Via email: (Include Attn. Wake Island Airfield in the subject line)
via phone at 1-866-725-7617 (mention Wake Island Airfield)

Relevant documents are
DRAFT PEA Wake Island Airfield
DRAFT FONSI/FONPA Wake Island Airfield

Programmatic Environmental Assessment-Reduction/Mgt of Fuel Loads

The U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) has prepared a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the Reduction and Management of Fuel Loads on Department of the Air Force-Managed Lands. 

The purpose of the Proposed Action is to reduce and manage fuel loads on DAF-managed lands in a manner that supports mission sustainment and builds ecosystem resiliency that promotes biodiversity and sustainability, resulting in the protection of natural and cultural resources.

The PEA assesses the potential impacts associated within various fuel reduction and management activities through the implementation of a full suite of fuels management tools as deemed appropriate on DAF-managed lands. These various methods would comply with all applicable federal and state regulations, and permitting requirements.  Once a decision is made to implement fuel reduction and management activities at a particular installation, the DAF would conduct follow-on site-specific environmental analysis tiering from the PEA document using the information provided in the analysis.

For further information or to comment on this Proposed Action contact:
Via USPS : AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Robin Divine), 13 Willis Way, Conway, AR 72032
Via FedEx or UPS: AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Robin Divine), 13 Willis Way, Conway, AR 72032
Via email: (Include Attn. Reduction and Management of Fuel Loads PEA in the subject line)
via phone at 1-866-725-7617 (mention Reduction and Management of Fuel Loads PEA)

Relevant documents are
FINAL PEA Reduction Mgt of Fuels Loads

DRAFT Programmatic EA for Electric Vehicle Charge Facilities (EVCF) Program

The U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) has prepared a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the implementation of the Electric Vehicle Charge Facilities (EVCF) Program at multiple Air Force bases (AFBs). 

The purpose of the Proposed Action is to provide AFBs with electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to enable on-base EV usage and charging for government-owned vehicles. The Proposed Action is needed to increase the number of EV charging stations on AFBs for creating the necessary infrastructure to expand EV usage, which would minimize carbon emissions in the long-run and help DAF meet White House goals for EV usage under Executive Order (EO) 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, and EO 14057, Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability.

The PEA assesses the potential impacts associated within EVCF Program implementation and provides the DAF meaningful points in agency planning and decision making on the relevant environmental information of the EVCF Program. Once a decision is made to implement at a particular installation, the DAF would conduct follow-on site-specific environmental analysis tiering from the PEA document using the Checklist in Appendix A of the PEA.
For further information or to comment on this Proposed Action contact:

Via USPS : AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Nicolas Post), JBSA-Lackland, TX 78236-9853
Via FedEx or UPS: AFCEC/CIE (Attn. Nicolas Post), Building 1 Bay 8 Room 6009, 3515 South General McMullen, San Antonio, TX 78226-1710
Via email: (Include Attn. Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities PEA in the subject line)
via phone at 1-866-725-7617 (mention Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities PEA)

Relevant Documents:
Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Electric Vehicle Charge Facilities at Multiple Air Force Bases

DRAFT Programmatic EA for Bird/wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard Management Procedures

Bird/wildlife aircraft strike hazards (BASH) constitutes a safety concern because of the potential for damage to aircraft or injury to aircrews or local populations if an aircraft crash should occur in a populated area.  The Department of the Air Force (DAF) has prepared this Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) to analyze the programmatic environmental impacts of an adaptive approach to wildlife hazard management utilizing short-, medium-, and long-term management strategies and non-lethal and lethal techniques, as deemed appropriate within the wildlife exclusion zone on DAF installations within the continental United States (CONUS).

These strategies comply with all applicable federal regulations, state regulations, and permitting requirements. The Proposed Action, in accordance with DAF Instruction 91-212, Bird/wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Management Program, outlines an approach to BASH management that supports unique DAF airfield operational and security requirements as well as airfield operation safety in general.  Implementation of the approved management procedures and techniques would ensure an adaptive management approach to BASH is optimized for consistency with scientifically evidenced best management practices as detailed in wildlife damage management guidance, manuals, and literature.

This PEA for implementation of BASH management procedures evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with the Proposed Action and the No Action Alternative to the following resource areas: airfield operations and management, biological resources, water resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials and wastes, human health and safety, air quality, noise, and land use.

For more information or to comment on this Proposed Action contact:
via USPS: AFCEC/CZN (Attn. Helen Kellogg), 2261 Hughes Ave., JBSA Lackland, TX 78236-9853
via FedEx or UPS: AFCEC/CZN (Attn. Helen Kellogg), Building 1 Bay 8 Room 6009, 3515 South General McMullen, San Antonio, TX 78226-1710
via email: (Include Attn. Programmatic BASH PEA in the subject line)
via phone at 1-866-725-7617 mention Programmatic BASH EA

Relevant Documents:
Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Bird/wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard Management Procedures

Holloman Environmental Assessment

HAFB base personnel will identify environmental aspects of its mission, and will, with the expertise provided by the Environmental CFT and environmental program managers, develop economically feasible and environmentally sound objectives and targets to address those aspects. HAFB will comply with all environmental laws and local requirements applicable to the vast missions conducted on the installation.  For more information on the Holloman Environmental program, click HERE.

Holloman AFB Environmental Scope and Commitment Statement

Holloman AFB Environmental Fact Sheet

Training Proposals for Holloman AFB

Pacific Long Range Strike Environmental Assessment

In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Air Force Civil Engineering Center announced the availability of the Long Range Strike Weapon Systems Evaluation Program Draft Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact for public review. Comments were requested to help the Air Force understand public concerns in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

The public comment period for the Draft EA/OEA was from 27 July 2016 until 26 August 2016. Final documents are posted below.

For more information or to comment on these proposed actions, contact: AFCEC Public Affairs, 2261 Hughes Ave., JBSA-Lackland, Texas 78236, Tel: 1-866-725-7617; Comm: (210) 925-0956, or email:

Relevant documents are
Final Finding of No Significant Impact
Mitigation and Monitoring Plan
Letter of Authorization
National Marine Fisheries Service’s Biological Opinion
Environmental Assessment 
2016 Finding of No Significant Impact
Public Notice

MQ-9 Operations Group Beddown (Base X)

MQ-9 ReaperIn compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center announced the availability of the MQ-9 Operations Group (Base X) Beddown Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for public review. Comments were requested to help the Air Force understand public concerns in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

The public comment period for the Draft EA was Oct. 10 to Nov. 8, 2017. Final documents are posted below.

For more information, contact AFCEC Public Affairs, 2261 Hughes Ave., JBSA-Lackland, Texas 78236, Tel: 1-866-725-7617; Comm: (210) 925-0956.

Relevant documents are:

Final Environmental Assessment and signed Finding of No Significant Impact

Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam DCGS Draft Environmental Assessment

A Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) have been prepared by the United States Air Force to analyze the impacts of construction and operation of a Distributed Common Ground Station (DCGS) Pacific Hub at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH), Wahiawa Annex, Oahu, Hawaii.

An electronic copy of the Draft EA can be found HERE (13MB) and the Draft FONSI can be found HERE

The AFCEC Air Force (AF) Form 813 Tool automates and centralizes the AF813 submittal, review, and approval process for active AF and AF Reserve components. While installations are not obligated to use the AF Form 813 Tool, the tool enables requirement owners, NEPA program managers, environmental, functional, and legal reviewers; environmental planning function personnel, and AFCEC/CZN to review, manage, track. approve, and print AF Form 813s.

The AF Form 813 Tool is hosted on a secure SharePoint environment, accessible by a Common Access Card; users should choose their Authentication Certificate upon access HERE.