MQ-9 Operations Group Beddown (Base X)

MQ-9 ReaperIn compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center announced the availability of the MQ-9 Operations Group (Base X) Beddown Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for public review. Comments were requested to help the Air Force understand public concerns in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

The public comment period for the Draft EA was Oct. 10 to Nov. 8, 2017. Final documents are posted below.

For more information, contact AFCEC Public Affairs, 2261 Hughes Ave., JBSA-Lackland, Texas 78236, Tel: 1-866-725-7617; Comm: (210) 925-0956.

Relevant documents are:

Final Environmental Assessment and signed Finding of No Significant Impact