Bird/wildlife aircraft strike hazards (BASH) constitutes a safety concern because of the potential for damage to aircraft or injury to aircrews or local populations if an aircraft crash should occur in a populated area. The Department of the Air Force (DAF) has prepared this Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) to analyze the programmatic environmental impacts of an adaptive approach to wildlife hazard management utilizing short-, medium-, and long-term management strategies and non-lethal and lethal techniques, as deemed appropriate within the wildlife exclusion zone on DAF installations within the continental United States (CONUS).
These strategies comply with all applicable federal regulations, state regulations, and permitting requirements. The Proposed Action, in accordance with DAF Instruction 91-212, Bird/wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Management Program, outlines an approach to BASH management that supports unique DAF airfield operational and security requirements as well as airfield operation safety in general. Implementation of the approved management procedures and techniques would ensure an adaptive management approach to BASH is optimized for consistency with scientifically evidenced best management practices as detailed in wildlife damage management guidance, manuals, and literature.
This PEA for implementation of BASH management procedures evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with the Proposed Action and the No Action Alternative to the following resource areas: airfield operations and management, biological resources, water resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials and wastes, human health and safety, air quality, noise, and land use.
For more information or to comment on this Proposed Action contact:
via USPS: AFCEC/CZN (Attn. Helen Kellogg), 2261 Hughes Ave., JBSA Lackland, TX 78236-9853
via FedEx or UPS: AFCEC/CZN (Attn. Helen Kellogg), Building 1 Bay 8 Room 6009, 3515 South General McMullen, San Antonio, TX 78226-1710
via email: (Include Attn. Programmatic BASH PEA in the subject line)
via phone at 1-866-725-7617 mention Programmatic BASH EA
Relevant Documents:
Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Bird/wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard Management Procedures