Technical Services Division

The Technical Services Division, or CFT, serves as the Air Force and Space Force’s expert for managing architecture and interior design programs, facility design and construction standards and processes, and sustainability. The division consists of over 50 subject matter experts and specialists who create and maintain facility design and construction regulatory criteria, and perform technical reach-back services and program management analysis for military construction and facility sustainment, restoration and modernization programs.  Click here to learn more about the division.

Reach-Back Center

The Reach-Back Center is dedicated to assisting Department of Defense civil engineers in the execution of their mission across the full operational spectrum.
Toll Free: 1-888-232-3721
Comm: 1-850-283-6995
DSN: 312-523-6995


The overall purpose of the architecture program is to enable the Air Force to accomplish its mission by addressing the built environment of Air Force installations. The architecture program strives to enhance the function, security, environmental value and aesthetics of  installations while reducing construction and maintenance cost.

Interior Design

CFT Interior Design The interior design program promotes selections of building materials and furnishings that provide Air Force personnel with quality facilities while reducing costs. The Air Force project design process is a team effort, where the success of every project is dependent on the active involvement of all team members throughout the design process, whether done in-house or by a contractor.

Unified Facilities Criteria 3-120-10 Interior Design provides guidance to architectural and engineering firms on how to submit comprehensive interior and structural interior design projects for Department of Defense facilities. Both building-related and furniture-related design projects, as well as new construction and renovation projects are covered by the UFC.

Some installations and major commands have interior designers on staff. AFCEC's interior design staff is available to assist at the base or MAJCOM level on reviews and small projects, subject to personnel availability.


Handicapped SignThe Air Force Civil Engineer Center is the designated Air Force center of expertise for accessibility. The Air Force follows the Department of Defense standards which are based on the updated guidelines issued by the U.S. Access Board Oct. 31, 2008. These standards cover access for people with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Architectural Barriers Act. DOD must comply with standards issued under ABA, not the 2010 ADA standard.

The DOD policy states that, "In general, worldwide, all facilities designed, constructed, altered, leased, or funded by DoD that are open to the public, or to limited segments of the public, or that may be visited by the public, or by limited segments of the public, in the conduct of normal business, shall be designed and constructed to be accessible to persons with disabilities."

Sustainable Design

Sustainable design and development principles such as energy and resource efficiency, renewability and durability are incorporated into AFCEC's construction projects from sustainment, restoration and modernization sites to military construction. In addition, AFCEC supports the criteria set forth by the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system and offers guidance on the SDD program and criteria of the LEED rating system for such as issues as sustainability of a site, materials and water efficiency, and energy use.

Landscape Architecture

Landscape ArchitectureQuality landscape design contributes to attractive, safe, efficient and maintainable installations. The designer must strive for sound, economical, functional and aesthetic development. A well-designed installation will satisfy the user's needs, instill pride of ownership, and promote a unified visual image.

With continued emphasis on the environment, landscape development has gained increased significance in the everyday operation of the installation. Many environmental issues can be resolved through the application of landscape architecture principles. The landscape architect typically addresses environmental issues such as storm water management, erosion control, wildlife habitat preservation, and restoration of damaged lands through the proper design and implementation of water harvesting techniques, grading, wetlands design and native species planting design. With this in mind, the installation's landscape development program contributes to solving the problems of today and providing the foundation for the future.

Design Awards

The Department of the Air Force's Design Awards Program was established in 1976 to recognize and promote design excellence. The purpose of the program is to publicize and recognize projects that have achieved the Air Force goal of design excellence as it relates to the natural and built environment. Three levels of awards are given: the Honor Award, Merit Award and Citation Award; the Honor Award being the highest of the three. There are no annual quotas as to the number of awards given, neither is there a ranking of winners within any of the award levels. Each entry competes on its own merit. The program itself is a recipient of the 2000 Federal Design Achievement Award, which recognizes exceptional design achievement from all sectors of the Federal Government.