Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center
The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center team takes care of Airmen, Guardians, and families and keeps airfields and infrastructure combat ready by managing installation and mission support programs for more than 30 Air Force specialties and 83 installations across the Air Force and Space Force.
The team of more than 4,000 AFIMSC military members and government civilians are as diverse as the more than 150 installation and mission support capabilities the center delivers to support operations in these areas: Airmen, Guardian and family readiness and morale, welfare and recreation services, base communications, chaplain corps, civil engineering, financial management, logistics readiness, operational acquisition, public affairs and security forces.
With headquarters at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, AFIMSC, by virtue of its global mission, has operating locations at more than 140 locations around the world. AFIMSC has four primary subordinate units: Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Air Force Installation Contracting Center, Air Force Security Forces Center, and Air Force Services Center. The center also has 10 detachments that support Space Force headquarters, Air Force major commands and Air Force District of Washington.
AFIMSC activated April 6, 2015, reached Initial Operational Capability Oct. 1, 2015, and a year later achieved Full Operational Capability in October 2016.
The Air Force stood up the center to make the best use of limited resources in managing and operating its installations. Centralization of management support helps the Air Force realize better effectiveness and efficiency in providing installation and expeditionary combat support capabilities to commanders and mission partners. The consolidation of enterprise-level installation and mission support operations at AFIMSC also helps commanders focus on their primary mission areas.
Deliver globally integrated installation and mission support to enhance warfighter readiness and lethality for America’s Air and Space Forces.
One integrated AFIMSC team revolutionizing combat power and installation support for Airmen, Guardians and families.
AFIMSC comprises its headquarters, 10 detachments and four primary subordinate units, or PSUs. The AFIMSC commander activated the detachments in April and May of 2016. The PSUs joined AFIMSC when the unit stood up on April 6, 2015.
Headquarters AFIMSC began the planning to transition to an Air Force Forces staff, or A-Staff, structure in 2023 and achieved full operational capability on Oct. 1, 2024. The center’s headquarters includes five A-Staff functions: A1-Manpower and Personnel; A2/5/8-Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Strategic Plans, and Requirements; A3-Operations; A9-Analyses, Assessments, Lessons Learned, and Innovation; and FM-Financial Management. The headquarters also has a special staff function that conducts historian, information protection, public affairs, and safety functions under the Director of Staff, and inspector general, judge advocate, and small business programs that report directly to the commander.
A fully operational A-Staff structure at AFIMSC headquarters helps the center better integrate across the Department of the Air Force to support broader I&MS policy and strategy implementation, as well as rebalance internally to focus more on strategy and planning. It also improves communication with stakeholders and help customers accustomed to an A-Staff find and access the support they need. The A-Staff structure is being tested and adjusted with the goal of declaring full operational capability by Oct. 1, 2024.
A1: Manpower, Personnel and Services
The A1 advises the commander on organizational actions; human capital strategies; workforce training and talent development; acculturation, mentoring and leadership; and civilian and military personnel policies and procedures. The directorate aids in establishing and documenting manning levels and organizational structures for forces assigned and attached to the center.
A3: Operations
The A3 assists the commander in the direction and control of operations, beginning with planning and extending through completion of specific operations. In this capacity, the A3 plans, coordinates, and integrates current operations, or CUOPS. The A3 conducts CUOPS planning and coordinate and integrates I&MS operations across the DAF, by, with, and through the AFIMSC primary subordinate units. The majority of AFIMSC CUOPS is executed by the PSUs, while the A3 provides oversight (as applicable), synchronization, and alignment of current operations and future plans. The A3 performs execution of activities that do not have an associated PSU as well as execution of activities that are cross-functional, such as activities that involve multiple PSUs. Additionally, the A3 leads planning, integration, and execution of I&MS equities for AFMC’s exercises.
A2/5/8: Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Strategic Plans and Requirements
The A2/5/8 places an increased emphasis on AFIMSC strategy, requirements development, and planning and programming to achieve rebalancing directed by the commander and increase emphasis on cross-functional coordination and integration, both internal to AFIMSC and externally, with higher headquarters and MAJCOMS. Although one directorate, the A2 part of A2/5/8 has a symbiotic role with the A5/8 portion and is responsible for threat-informing the strategic plans and requirements to better posture AFIMSC I&MS enterprise plans and programming efforts from two to 30 years out. The A2 also provides threat information to the entire AFIMSC enterprise to ensure all efforts are fully threat informed.
A9: Analyses, Assessments, Lessons Learned, and Innovation
The A9 enables AFIMSC and the I&MS portfolio for continuous improvement of capabilities to include processes and programs from internal day-to-day workings of the organization to supporting those who provide warfighter capabilities. Facilitating data driven decisions and driving transformational ways to do business better are the foundational core competencies of the A9.
DS: Director of Staff
The DS synchronizes and integrates policy, plans, positions, procedures, and cross-functional issues for the headquarters staff. The DS also manages the AFIMSC governance structure, ensures clear communication between the commander and staff leadership, and administers the flow of work into the center and from the center back to higher headquarters and other organizations.
FM: Financial Management
FM is the one-stop shop for all integrated infrastructure and mission support financial management decision support across the globe. FM manages execution and provides decision support for over $8 billion of the operation and maintenance appropriation annually. Additionally, FM functionally supports every comptroller squadron, MAJCOM FM, Space Operations FM, and ultimately every military and civilian Airman and Guardian with military and civilian pay and travel pay support.
AFIMSC detachments serve as the liaison and on-site support between the commands where they’re located and the AFIMSC enterprise. They provide responsive synchronization and management of AFIMSC assets to address command-specific installation and mission support priorities and concerns. Detachment forward presence capabilities deliver proactive solutions to emergent command requirements and issue resolution at the lowest level. Those capabilities include civil engineering, communications, financial management, logistics and security forces.
Detachment Number, Location and Service/Command Supported
1. Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia/U.S. Space Force
2. Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii/Pacific Air Forces
3. Hurlburt Field, Florida/Air Force Special Operations Command
4. Ramstein Air Base, Germany/U.S. Air Forces in Europe and U.S. Air Forces Africa
5. Joint Base Andrews, Maryland/Air Force District of Washington
6. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio/Air Force Materiel Command
7. Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas/Air Education and Training Command
8. Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia/Air Combat Command
9. Scott AFB, Illinois/Air Mobility Command
10. Barksdale AFB, Louisiana/Air Force Global Strike Command
Primary Subordinate Units
Air Force Civil Engineer Center
The Air Force Civil Engineer Center, headquartered at JBSA-Lackland, provides responsive, flexible civil engineering expertise and support to Air Force installations and the warfighter. The AFCEC team delivers capabilities across the wide civil engineering spectrum to enable ready engineers and maintain the facilities and platforms that are the backbone of the Air Force mission.
AFCEC missions include facility investment planning, design and construction, operations support, real property management, energy support, environmental compliance and restoration, readiness and emergency management, and audit assertions, acquisition and program management. The AFCEC team conducts operations at more than 75 locations worldwide, overseeing the annual execution of $11.8 billion in contracts, managing $7 billion in housing and $5 billion in Enhanced Use Lease portfolios, and indirectly controlling $49 billion in contract vehicles.
Air Force Installation Contracting Center
The Air Force Installation Contracting Center is a worldwide-postured organization headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, that provides responsive and mission-enabling enterprise acquisition solutions for efficient and effective mission and installation operations across the Air Force. In addition to the AFICC headquarters and staff, AFICC operating locations are collocated with Air Force major command headquarters, including five specialized contracting squadrons aligned to those operating locations and three enterprise sourcing squadrons and the Defense Technical Information Center at Offutt AFB, Nebraska. AFICC has more than 750 members who perform above-wing contracting operations across the Air Force enterprise. In this role, they support some 3,000 contracting professionals executing Air Force missions worldwide with contract values of $58 billion over the last five years.
AFICC provides business advice and specialized contract support to Air Force major commands, contracting authority to operational contracting squadrons, and enterprise, regional and local sourcing solutions to affect rate, process and demand to maximize the use of Air Force installation spend. AFICC is also the Air Force lead for contingency contracting operations, ensuring contracting personnel are trained and equipped to deal with all contingencies – at war, in times of disaster and at home.
Air Force Security Forces Center
The Air Force Security Forces Center, located at JBSA-Lackland, organizes, trains, and equips Air Force security forces worldwide. The center develops force protection doctrine, programs and policies by planning and programming resources to execute the missions of nuclear and non-nuclear weapon system security, physical and information security, integrated base defense, combat arms, law enforcement, antiterrorism, resource protection and corrections.
AFSFC identifies and delivers emergent and future force protection and force application solutions through modeling and simulation. The center also acts as the executive agency for the Department of Defense military working dog program, the world's largest training center for military dogs and handlers based at JBSA-Lackland.
Air Force Services Center
The Air Force Services Center, headquartered at JBSA-Lackland, Texas, delivers morale, welfare and recreation programs and activities to build and sustain ready and resilient Airmen, Guardians and families. AFSVC supports installations, major commands and air staff by providing technical assistance, new initiatives, developing programs and procedures, and managing central support functions. AFSVC ensures successful operation of essential food, fitness, childcare, lodging and recreation opportunities for military members and their families.
(Current as of Feb. 14, 2024)