Environmental restoration Innovative Technology Projects

The AFCEC Environmental Restoration Innovative Technology Projects (ITP) seeks to fund better, faster and more sustainable environmental solutions for the Air Force.

Since 2008, the AFCEC Environmental Directorate (CZ) has provided funds for ITP through the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) process as the vehicle for such projects. The competition is full and open, with no restrictions on the type or size of firms eligible for award. It is the goal of AFCEC to advance innovative technologies is to promote solutions to environmental restoration challenges that will improve effectiveness of cleanup and shorten times for meeting site remedial objectives. Investments emphasize improvements in technologies and methodologies for characterization and remediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)-impacted media. However, technology advances associated with legacy contaminants (e.g., TCE, BTEX) and PFAS-legacy mixtures also are important. Projects emphasize field-scale demonstration and validation of innovative technologies that have a direct impact on site cleanup goals and promote upscaling and technology transfer for full-scale application at Air Force restoration sites.

AFCEC partners with leading academics and technology companies to fund field-scale technology demonstration, validation and upscaling projects. 

  • ITP projects are published via BAA with timelines of 2 to 4 years awarded in response to an AFCEC statement of need.
  • Promote technology proven successful at bench and pilot scales.
  • Direct relevance to site-specific cleanup goals.
  • Technology transfer through workshops, webinars, fact sheets, best-practices publications, and hands-on training

Contact - For additional information on AFCEC ITPs email afcec.czte.baa@us.af.mil.

Summarized BAA Process

ITP News

Speaker Series

  • November - Strategic Utilization of High Resolution Site Characterization
  • October - Cyclodextrin Sorbent and Electrochemical Oxidation Treatment for PFAS