Seymour Johnson AFB announces preliminary assessment for energy saving performance contract

  • Published
  • By Jessica Echerri
  • AFCEC Public Affairs
Base civil engineers at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, and the Defense Logistics Agency recently invited Schneider Electric, an energy service company, to perform a preliminary assessment of approximately 70 facilities at the base.

The preliminary assessment, or PA, kickoff is the beginning of a nearly two-month process whereby Schneider will investigate potential energy savings projects at the installation.

With a focus on chillers and building controls, Schneider Electric will review energy metrics, building envelopes, equipment, and operations and maintenance costs to identify potential energy efficiency projects to help Seymour Johnson meet future energy goals.

"AFCEC is excited to work with Seymour Johnson and Schneider Electric," said John Broughton, Air Force Civil Engineer Center ESPC project manager. "We had a productive PA kickoff meeting and look forward to Schneider providing a comprehensive proposal of energy conservation opportunities for the facilities within the scope of this project."

The PA is a narrative summary of the proposed project that provides a description of potential ECMs, estimated savings, measurement and verification approach, and financial schedules.

"The preliminary assessment provides the ESCO access to the facilities and allows for them to interface with base energy contacts to determine the best potential energy efficiency upgrades for Seymour Johnson," said John Broughton, AFCEC ESPC project manager.

Once the PA review is complete and any questions or concerns are addressed by Schneider Electric, the ESCO will be free to begin an investment grade audit. The IGA augments, refines and updates the PA survey data. The IGA will ultimately lead to a final proposal that will be the basis for negotiating the final terms and conditions of the ESPC task order.

Under the ESPC model, ESCOs compete to finance, design, construct and manage energy projects, and maintain the systems long-term. ESPCs range from 10 years to a maximum of 25 years, with the Air Force paying the ESCO back over the term of the contract from cost savings garnered by the energy efficiency improvements it makes.