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  • New water treatment plant marks milestone in McClellan cleanup

    Air Force Civil Engineer Center environmental remediation efforts at the former McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento, California, entered a new phase of operations July 10 as officials unveiled a modernized multi-million-dollar groundwater treatment plant.

  • Long-time tenant of former McClellan AFB provides lifeline to firefighters

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – One after another, massive aircraft are continuously making a giant loop from the former McClellan Air Force Base, heading north to Butte County to fight the deadliest and most destructive fire in California’s history.For 65 years, McClellan served the nation as an air depot

  • Former Air Force radar dome now a wildlife rehab facility

    Before McClellan Air Force Base closed in 2001, the maintenance directorate on the base utilized a massive 30-foot radar dome for research and development of the AN/FPS 117, a three-dimensional (azimuth-range-height) phased array antenna radar. Today the Wildlife Care Association is reusing the

  • Homeless find hope at closed California bases

    In California, as the temperature drops and the number of homeless people climbs, former Air Force bases around the state offer warm relief. Transitional housing is one of the many ways communities are using property on closed military bases for local benefit. These villages of hope offer the

  • Closed Air Force Bases Open for Green Business: Recycling on a grand scale

    Whether it's small as a cell phone or big as a 5,000-acre Air Force base, it can be recycled. J.D. Wang, CEO of a company called reRubber, believes we can recycle anything if we put our minds to it. So it seems fitting that his tire-recycling company is expanding into a recycled building - once the