Oct. 4, 2021 AFIMSC presses till final hours to execute $7 billion in FY21 The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center closed out an extremely tight year in the last hours of FY21, executing more than $7 billion to attain close to 99.9 percent obligation of the operations and maintenance portfolio across the enterprise.
July 8, 2020 Federal employee survey helps civilians' voice be heard The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey will be available for Air Force civilian employees starting July 15. The approximately 100-question survey takes 20-to-30 minutes to complete and is anonymous.
Aug. 24, 2017 Energy professionals exchange ideas, information at annual event More than 2,600 professionals from the energy industry, including approximately 200 Air Force attendees, gathered in Tampa, Florida, Aug. 14-18 for the U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program’s 2017 Energy Exchange.