The AFCEC Natural Infrastructure Branch provides natural resources management support to Air Force headquarters, major commands, and installations. Staff experts utilize their knowledge in natural resources policy, ecosystem management, and land use planning principles to help conserve and enhance the natural infrastructure that is necessary to sustain Air Force operations. Management assistance is provided to Air Force with the purpose of conserving the natural resources on military lands while ensuring no net loss in the capability of the natural infrastructure to sustain the military mission now and in the future. Support services provided include:
. Assistance with the development and execution of installation Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans.
. Advice and guidance to insure compliance with federal laws for the protection of endangered species, wetlands, and other sensitive natural resources.
. Assistance with the development and execution of natural resources program budgets.
. Staff assistance visits to support natural resources programs.
. Technical assistance on projects for survey, analysis, and documentation of threatened and endangered species, wetlands, forest resources, and other field studies.
. Management support and accounting for revenue-generating programs for forest management, agricultural outleasing, and hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation.