The Department of Defense identified the need to standup a new combatant command for space (i.e., USSPACECOM) and designated the DAF as the Interim Combatant Command Support Agent for this command.
To function efficiently, USSPACECOM must permanently establish a consolidated HQ facility. This EA evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with establishing a permanent USSPACECOM HQ at one of six alternative sites in the United States (Proposed Action). The Proposed Action includes construction and operation of an HQ facility specifically designed to accommodate the functional requirements of USSPACECOM.
Approximately 1,450 personnel would be assigned to the proposed HQ facility, although staffing levels could vary depending on mission and operational requirements. Should there be a validated requirement to base personnel beyond 1,450, separate basing actions and associated approvals may need to occur before such basing could be considered reasonably foreseeable.
Additionally, USSPACECOM may support contractors and mission partners who would be co-located with the permanent HQ and, therefore, the impact of 1,800 personnel is included in this EA. The proposed HQ would consist of approximately 464,000 square feet of office, administrative, and functional interior space across multiple stories.
The main HQ building would be supported by approximately 402,000 square feet of vehicle parking in surface lots and/or parking structures. Under the No Action Alternative, a single, permanent USSPACECOM HQ facility would not be built.
The following environmental resources analyzed in the EA: land use and zoning, noise, air quality and climate, earth resources, water resources, biological resources, cultural resources, socioeconomics and environmental justice, transportation, and hazardous and toxic materials and waste. Resources, not meaningfully or measurably affected by the Proposed Action, include occupational safety and health, and utilities and infrastructure, were dismissed from detailed analysis.
Based on the analysis presented in this EA, the DAF has determined that with implementation of regulatory compliance measures and other alternative-specific design commitments included in this EA, the Proposed Action would have no significant impacts on the human or natural environment.
Interested parties are hereby notified that a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) have been prepared for the Proposed Action to establish a permanent facility for the USSPACECOM HQ.
Comments received during the public comment period from July 13, 2022, to August 12, 2022, are addressed within the Final EA. The Secretary of the Air Force will consider the EA and information gathered through the strategic basing process, including additional information consistent with recommendations in the Government Accountability Office and Department of Defense Inspector General reports, in making his final decision for the permanent location of the headquarters (HQ) facility for the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM).
USSPACECOM - FINAL - Environmental Assessment
Relevant documents are:
2019 USSC Final - Environmental Assessment
2019 USCC Final - Environmental Assessment Appendices A-F
2019 USSC HQ Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
USSPACECOM - Memorandum of Agreement for Environmental Assessment (Signed)