Air Force Response to PFAS

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What are PFAS?

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a large class of chemicals found in many consumer products, as well as in industrial products such as certain firefighting agents called aqueous film forming foam (AFFF). PFAS is also found in essential use applications such as in microelectronics, batteries and medical equipment.PFOS PFOA Snapshot Data

Two types of PFAS – perfluoroctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) – are components of legacy Aqueous Film Forming Foam the Air Force began using in the 1970s as a firefighting agent to extinguish petroleum fires; AFFF provides essential burn-back resistance, protection against vapor release and rapid extinguishment. 

There is significant attention on PFAS releases from DoD activities and the subsequent potential impact to human health and the environment. The presence of PFAS in the environment is a national issue due to its wide-spread use in many industrial and consumer products. The Department of the Air Force recognizes the importance of this issue and is committed to addressing PFAS in a deliberative, holistic, and transparent manner.

For more information, visit the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS page.

PFAS in the Environment

When released into the environment, PFAS can enter the soil and migrate through surface water (including lakes and rivers) and groundwater. In some cases, these waters serve as a source of drinking water for individuals (private water wells) or a municipality. Not all groundwater is used for drinking water, and the groundwater that is used for drinking water is often treated before consumption. This treatment ensures that the water that is ultimately consumed by the public is safe and meets all state and federal requirements for water quality. Additional information about PFAS in drinking water and PFAS in groundwater and DoD’s investigation efforts are included here.

Reports indicate most people in the United States have been exposed to PFAS and have PFAS in their blood. The Department looks to and supports the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and state health departments’ ongoing PFAS environmental exposure and health effects research correlating blood levels to adverse health impacts. Additional information regarding PFAS exposure can be found on the EPA website ( and on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry website (

Air Force Response

The Air Force’s PFAS investigation work and mitigation actions are guided by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, or CERCLA, and applicable state laws.

Learn more about CERCLA

Elimination of the Use of Aqueous Film Forming Foam

In September 2023, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced the first qualified fluorine-free foam (F3) for use, initiating the replacement of AFFF for firefighting activities at military installations. Additional F3 products that meet the specification requirements have since been qualified and approved for use by the Military Departments. The Air Force has started the transition process. 

In addition, the Air Force is taking additional steps to reduce or eliminate unnecessary foam releases by:

• Locking out and removing AFFF tanks from hangar fire suppression systems.
• Conducting fire training exercises in double-lined pits to prevent soil and groundwater impacts.
• Treating any uncontained releases of AFFF as if it were a hazardous-material spill and requiring immediate cleanup.

For more information, visit the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS page.

The Air Force's Effort to Prevent Future Releases

The Air Force is taking steps to guard against future impacts by replacing legacy AFFF stockpiles with a foam that reduces PFOS/PFOA exposure, Phos-Chek 3 percent, six carbon chain AFFF. The Air Force is taking additional steps to reduce or eliminate unnecessary foam releases by:

• Retrofitting all fire vehicles with a switch mechanism to test functionality without discharging AFFF into the environment.
• Standardizing hangar systems and replacing systems containing the old formulation in conjunction with building renovations.
• Conducting fire training exercises in double-lined pits to prevent soil and groundwater impacts.
• Treating any uncontained releases of AFFF as if it were a hazardous-material spill and requiring immediate cleanup.

Partner Links

Department of Defense

  • DoD PFAS Website. Find general information on PFAS, information on DoD's Task Force, and details on DoD's actions to find, eliminate, and cleanup PFAS resulting from DoD activities. The DoD PFAS webpage provides information on recent articles, congressional testimony, DoD memos, transcripts and public outreach. 

Centers for Disease Control Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry

United States Environmental Protection Agency​

  • CERCLA, an EPA overview on the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.
  • Research on PFAS by the EPA.