Operations directorate holds operations workshop at AFIT

  • Published
  • By Susan H. Lawson
  • AFCEC Public Affairs
The Air Force Civil Engineer Center Operations Directorate recently held an operations workshop at the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, to provide a forum for operations flights and shop leadership to discuss operations way ahead.

Air Force Deputy Director of Civil Engineers Edwin Oshiba provided opening comments and held a 45-minute question-and-answer session for those in attendance.

Attendees included representatives from Headquarters Air Force, the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center and its detachments, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center Operations and Planning and Integration Directorates, and more than 145 attendees from 52 bases representing nine major commands.

The turnout was so good there was not enough space to meet the demand, said organizers.

The event included a wage-grade panel that focused on the development of civilian craftsmen and small group break-out discussions and panels were held to address topic areas for the field.

“The workshop allowed bases and headquarters to have an exchange of ideas and challenges and keep the strategic visions at an enterprise level in line with actual execution at the flights and shops,” said Maj. Robert Liu, AFCEC operations maintenance chief.

Best practices on asset management and inventory were shared by representatives from Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany; Moody AFB, Georgia; and Kunsan Air Base, Korea.

Briefs were provided on the hottest topics within the civil engineer operations arena with a focus on operations transformation, operations engineering and asset visibility, including a review of sustainment management systems.

“Feedback from the workshop has been extremely beneficial, both to the bases and staff,” said Lt. Col. Michael Brannon, deputy director of the AFCEC Operations Directorate.

For example, attendees voiced gaps in understanding of how to use sustainment funding. With AFIMSC in attendance, an answer was given on-the-spot, and facilitators were able to follow-up with wider guidance to bases on how to obtain funds and coordinate with local comptrollers for execution.

“These are issues no one base or staff would have identified or solved alone, and it benefits us all to understand the issues and get immediate feedback on how widespread issues are. Now we can better prioritize our staff to best help the squadrons,” Brannon said.

Briefings, best practice tools and process briefs have been posted to the AFCEC Operations Directorate SharePoint site for all to use. Due to the positive feedback, AFCEC, in conjunction with AFIT, is considering dates for another workshop in 2018.