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  • Maker Hub, AFRL “sprint” to innovation

    To build strength and endurance, athletes perform “intervals” or short, intense periods of exertion designed for maximum benefit in the shortest time possible. Thanks to the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Maker Hub at the Wright Brothers Institute, that same kind of benefit is possible for some of

  • AFCEC to host Air Force Encroachment Management Symposium

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Regional Development Planning Branch hosts the annual Air Force Encroachment Management, or AFEM, training event Aug. 1-3, at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.    The symposium provides encroachment management stakeholders with the knowledge and skills necessary to

  • Operations directorate holds operations workshop at AFIT

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center Operations Directorate recently held an operations workshop at the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, to provide a forum for operations flights and shop leadership to discuss operations way ahead.Air Force Deputy Director