Former England Air Force Base, Louisiana (BRAC 1991)

Location: Alexandria, Louisana
Total Acreage: 2,351 Acres
Closed: December 1992

England AFB was constructed as Alexandria Municipal Airport in 1942 and in the same year was activated as Alexandria Army Air Base. Missions included training for pilots and crew to fly bombers and fighter jets as well as maintaining aircraft.  In 1955, the base was officially designated as a permanent Air Force facility and renamed England AFB in honor of Lieutenant Colonel John. B. England who served more than 108 combat missions during WWII and sacrificed his life for others to live while landing in fog in France. Former England AFB historically supported sustaining American military airpower and providing defense for our nation. England AFB was included in the 1991 BRAC round and officially closed in December 1992.

Environmental Activities
AFCEC continues to work closely with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and Environmental Protection Agency to ensure environmental cleanup satisfies all regulatory standards and protects human health and the environment for 2,331 acres.

Property Transfer
Located in the heart of Central Louisiana, England Airpark supports several successful mixed used developments including premier senior citizen living, offices, warehouses, heavy manufacturing and Alexandria International Airport.