Former George Air Force Base (BRAC 1992)

Location: Victorville, California
Total Acreage: 5,062 Acres
Closed: December 1992

The former George AFB, originally known as Victorville Army Airfield, was activated Oct. 1, 1941 to train pilots and bombardiers. After World War II, all flying operations were discontinued as part of a nationwide demobilization. The training base was placed on standby status and used to store surplus B-29s, AT-7s and AT-11s. Following the outbreak of the Korean War on June 25, 1950, the base was reopened and renamed George Air Force Base. Fighter pilots trained in many aircraft at George over four-plus decades.

The Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission announced George's closure in 1988. George AFB was officially decommissioned in December 1992. Read more

Environmental Activities

The Air Force has been working to clean up the former George Air Force Base since 1981, spending over $113 million to rid the ground and two aquifers of jet fuel, solvents, and pesticides. And the job isn't finished. The federal government anticipates spending another $59.95 million at George through 2023. The estimate includes labor, maintenance and operations as well as cleanup costs. Many routine aircraft maintenance tasks performed at George while the base was active (1941-1992) involved potentially hazardous materials such as jet fuel, gasoline, paints and solvents. Such materials were spilled or leaked into the soil and groundwater, causing contamination.Read more

Property Transfer
AFCEC has transferred 4,196 acres to Southern California Logistics Airport Authority. Today, the former base is home to 17 aviation-related businesses and a community college program training aircraft mechanics. Manufacturing and distribution centers, a multi-million dollar power plant and a 900-acre federal prison complex operate at the former base.