Former Loring Air Force Base (BRAC 1991)

Location: Limestone, Maine
Total Acreage: 9,472 Acres
Closed: September 1994

In 1946, the Strategic Air Command developed a plan for a global air force. The plan called for the Limestone Air Force Base to be built at the northeastern tip of the United States. The base became active in 1953 with the 42nd Bombardment Wing in residence. Renamed Loring Air Force Base in 1954, the base became the home to a series of state-of-the art bombers and support aircraft. In 1955, the 42nd Air Refueling Squadron was activated. Starting in 1981, substantial renovations were made to the base, including the addition of a second runway. Base improvements continued through 1991 with the completion of a renovated alert facility, a new medical center, and a new maintenance facility and upgraded aircraft refueling.

Loring AFB was officially deactivated on September 30, 1994.