News Search

  • Travis firefighters help community battle Solano wildfires

    Airmen from the 60th Civil Engineer Squadron responded to the LNU Lightning Complex Fire to support the Vacaville Fire Protection District’s firefighting effort, Aug. 19, 2020. A small team from AFCEC's Beale Wildland Support Module answered the call to help fight the wildland blaze.

  • AFWERX Austin Hub attracts visit from SECAF, CSAF, CMSAF

    The trip marks their first combined visit with Airmen in the field since Brown and Bass were sworn in as the service’s senior uniformed officer and enlisted leaders, demonstrating the importance of innovation efforts to the enterprise.

  • Online emission inspection system saves money and air quality

    More than 60 Air Force installations are reaping savings and the benefits of improved air quality, thanks to the continued use of an online vehicle air emission inspection and compliance system that is estimated to be saving the Air Force over $11.8 million annually. The Air Force Civil Engineer

  • Getting to know the new AFCEC commander

    Brig. Gen. John Allen took command of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center during a change of command ceremony July 13. AFCEC, one of four primary subordinate units of the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, delivers capabilities across the wide civil engineering spectrum to enable

  • AF technology could help fight virus, disease spread in buildings

    TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. – An Air Force invention could be key to reducing the amount of airborne microbes — like viruses, bacteria and mold spores — inside buildings and homes.In 2009, the U.S. Air Force submitted a patent application for an invention that coats surfaces with a protective

  • AFCEC continues building on AFCAMP successes

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – It’s been six years since the Air Force Civil Engineer Center established a new, transparent process for strategically racking and stacking facility sustainment, restoration and modernization requirements across the Air Force.Each year, the AFCEC team

  • Air Force environmental programs help endangered species thrive

    JOINT-BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – When Erica Lee was a child, the world outside the door was the place to be.“I would come home with bugs in my pocket and was always curious about the environmental world,” Lee said. Now, as an AFCEC Support Program Manager for Eglin Air Force Base Natural

  • Yokota CBRN training adapts to pandemic constraints

    Members of the 374th Civil Engineering Squadron Emergency Management team have found a way to continue the mission while limiting the risk of COVID-19 transmission by moving Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear training to the great outdoors, July 22, 2020, Yokota Air Base, Japan.

  • Wildland Fire pros battle fire season despite COVID-19

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Wildland Fire Branch hasn’t let the COVID-19 pandemic stop it from protecting Airmen and their families as well as wildlife during this year’s severe fire season. Along with the pandemic, some installations have had to cope with the threat of wildfires damaging

  • Allen becomes AFCEC's first active-duty director

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- The Air Force Civil Engineer Center welcomed its new leader during an assumption of leadership ceremony here July 13. Brig. Gen. John Allen is the unit’s first commander since the organization activated in 2012.  Previous leaders were senior executive

  • General Engineer

    This position serves as a nuclear authorizing official and security controls assessor representative.

  • Supervisory General Engineer

    This position provides technical leadership, interagency integration, supervisory functions, and program oversight for the W87-1 nuclear warhead program.

  • DOD, Base Officials Closely Monitoring COVID-19 Situation

    WASHINGTON -- Defense and local military officials are closely watching the COVID-19 situation and will make adjustments as needed, Defense Department officials told reporters at a Pentagon news conference.Thomas McCaffery, the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, said during

  • AFCEC leads hurricane season preparedness

    With a projected record-setting hurricane season in the making, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Readiness Directorate is once again urging the Air Force community to “be ready” for natural disasters. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts the 2020 Atlantic hurricane

  • AFIMSC single data call frees up civil engineers

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center's consolidation and streamlining of data calls is making the lives of base civil engineers easier.AFIMSC's Facility Recap and Sustainment Branch collaborated with the Air Force Civil Engineer Center's

  • Offutt runway repair contract awarded

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center has awarded a $143.9 million contract to replace the runway here.The project is a collaborative effort between AFCEC, Offutt Air Force Base and the Air Force Installation Contracting Center.

  • Emergency Management: The ‘in case something happens’ flight

    Every Airman encounters a Civil Engineer Squadron’s Emergency Management flight many times throughout their career. This is the flight that provides the class commonly referred to as CBRN. However, providing chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense classes are just one of many vital

  • ‘Trailblazing’ advocates start rebuilding trust in privatized housing

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- The Department of the Air Force welcomed its first group of Resident Advocates June 15 with a clear mandate: rebuild trust in the privatized housing program.  The Air Force established the RA positions as part of a sweeping effort to improve privatized

  • Assistant Secretary visit pushes optimism for MacDill housing future

    In an ongoing effort to analyze and evaluate progress towards remedying issues in base housing on MacDill Air Force Base, the 6th Air Refueling Wing hosted Hon. John Henderson, the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Environment, Installations and Energy, as well as U.S. Air Force Gen. Arnold

  • Air Force taking more actions for PFOS and PFOA at Wurtsmith

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center is awarding a contract in July that will expand capture zones to better control migration of Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) to Clark’s Marsh and two existing plumes under treatment near Oscoda, Michigan.

  • Wounded Warrior recalls dark days, bright recovery

    Bernard Lawson, wounded while serving as an Army chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear technical escort Soldier at Johnston Atoll, overcame major nerve damage injuries with the help from other wounded warriors, and is now the Emergency Manager for the Air Force Installation and Mission

  • AFCEC study gives new life to old chemical defense decon kits

    The Air Force Civil Engineer’s Readiness Lab recently determined more than 75,000 expired M295 decontamination kits used in chemical defense ensembles are still effective and can be used, saving the Air Force more than $2.3 million over a four-year period. Each year, the Air Force removes expired

  • Energy project powers Hill AFB resiliency

    The Air Force completed construction of a $42 million project recently that will improve energy efficiency and resiliency at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. AFCEC, in collaboration with the Defense Logistics Agency – Energy (DLA-E), awarded the contract to Energy Systems Group, the energy service

  • AFCEC spearheads Little Rock AFB runway replacement

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center is leading a $180 million project to replace the 64-year-old runway at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas. AFCEC’s Facility Engineering Directorate is teaming with the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center’s Detachment 9, 772nd Enterprise Sourcing

  • A band of brothers

    The distinctive howl of a firetruck siren erupts, and suddenly, nightfall is ignited with pulsating flashes of red and blue. It arrives on scene and the brave Airmen inside leap into action, ready to handle whatever comes their way. They tackle fire and save lives like a well-oiled machine.Once the

  • AFCEC consolidates program to maximize lethality, readiness

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Installations Directorate is taking the Air Force’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration program to new heights, preserving training areas to increase the lethality and readiness of our air and space forces.

  • Rucking for heroes

    The Coronavirus has placed restrictions on the daily lives of people around the globe. Yet, some Airmen refuse to allow the restrictions of the current environment become limitations on their abilities.Following social distancing protocol, more than 80 Airmen from the 90th Civil Engineer Squadron

  • EPA recognizes AFCEC-led cleanup success

    The Environmental Protection Agency is recognizing an Air Force Civil Engineer Center environmental coordinator and his team for work they’re doing to treat contaminated water at the former Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire.

  • PMEL continues calibration for total-force during COVID-19

    Through the course of many weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, the various missions of the Air Force continue. One such area that often goes unnoticed is that of the Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory or ‘PMEL’.As one of only seven labs that has the necessary equipment and personnel to perform

  • #IAMIMSC: Roger Walton

    Meet Roger Walton, BRAC Environmental Coordinator with AFCEC at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas.

  • AFCAP V increases field assistance

    The Air Force recently awarded an eight-year, $6.4 billion contingency support contract to eight firms. The Air Force Contract Augmentation Program, or AFCAP, is a rapid response contingency contract tool managed and serviced through the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center enterprise.

  • Virtual PMO continues progress toward ‘Installation of the Future’

    Telework had always been a tool of flexibility and a privilege for Lt. Col. Shayla CantySmith. Today, due to health advisories from the recent COVID-19, telework is critical for CantySmith and the entire 25-person Tyndall Program Management Office to continue delivering the “Installation of the

  • Pilot study aims to save money, protect environment with fewer oil changes

    A simple change in Air Force oil change procedures may save the Air Force over $1 million per year, while also helping protect the environment. Current regulatory drivers require installations to analyze the oil in small engines, including generators, annually and replace the oil completely at

  • AFIMSC geospatial tools help commanders manage COVID-19 risk

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – An innovative solution by the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center’s Detachment 4 at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, is giving commanders from U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa the ability to accurately assess operational risk and

  • AFRL scientists and engineers recognized by Air Force leadership

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Ten scientists and engineers from the Air Force Research Laboratory earned accolades as winners of 2019 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Awards. This prestigious honor from the office of the Air Force Chief Scientist Dr. Richard Joseph and

  • Braving the fire: Airman overcomes difficult childhood, finds joy

    Throughout her life, Airman 1st Class Kayla Jerido, 86th Civil Engineer Squadron fire apprentice, has been described as the positive type, exhibiting a great energy for life. However, those who have heard the energetic 27-year-old’s journey are often taken by surprise.

  • PMO Engineers thrive with ‘once in a lifetime’ billion-dollar rebuild

    The $4.25 billion rebuild of Tyndall Air Force Base may seem like an overwhelming task to some, but for three Air Force civil engineer captains at the heart of the Program Management Office, the project presents a once in a lifetime opportunity. As project managers for the PMO, and as part of the

  • Air Force postpones boards due to COVID-19 restrictions

    The Air Force is postponing promotion boards for the CY20B Colonel Biomedical Sciences Corps and Chaplain; CY20C Lieutenant Colonel Chaplain and Nurse Corps; and CY20B Chaplain Central Selection Boards, originally scheduled to convene June 8.

  • Stopping the spread: JBSA mitigating risks during pandemic

    Ensuring COVID-19 does not spread among Joint Base San Antonio personnel, their families, and the local community is a priority, and measures are being taken to prevent spread of the disease and to ensure contaminated areas are cleaned appropriately before put back to use.

  • AFIMSC leans on technology to keep mission going

    Cancelled conferences, travel restrictions and social distancing guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic aren’t getting in the way of the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center’s global mission.

  • Air Force releases guidance on use of cloth face covers

    To the extent practical, without significantly impacting mission, all individuals on Department of the Air Force property, installations and facilities are required to wear cloth face coverings when they cannot maintain six feet of physical distance in public areas or work centers.

  • AFIMSC cancels 2020 I-WEPTAC

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center has canceled its 2020 Installation and Mission Support Weapons and Tactics Conference due to travel restrictions and health risk mitigation strategies associated with the global coronavirus

  • 386th ECES, Marines train with RADR Mobile Training Team

    An airfield is one of the most vital aspects of an Air Force installation, enabling Airmen to successfully deliver decisive combat support to the warfighters night and day. Ensuring the flightline is quickly back to operational status becomes the top priority in the event of a real-world attack.

  • Tyndall PMO makes every dollar count through community partnerships

    TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. – As Tyndall AFB rebuilds from the ground up, the Tyndall Program Management Office has one clear objective in managing the multibillion-dollar endeavor: make every dollar count.The Air Force Community Partnership program is one way the base accomplishes this, through

  • AFIMSC engineer honored with Bronze Star

    Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Commander Maj. Gen. Tom Wilcox awarded the Bronze Star to Capt. Shane Lockridge at a commander’s call Feb. 13. Lockridge serves as the chief of military construction requirements for the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, a subordinate unit of AFIMSC.

  • Child care app wins AFIMSC Innovation Rodeo

    An idea to centralize and streamline the subletting of short-term slots at military child development centers won the 2020 Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Rodeo Feb. 7 in San Antonio.

  • APE ensures mission-ready airfields

    It takes a lot of pavement to launch an Air Force -- 2.2 billion square feet -- and in 2019, a Tyndall-based team of airfield engineers set a blistering pace to ensure that pavement was able to support aircraft worldwide in flying more than 1.2 million hours.

  • Tyndall team provides cheer at annual holiday event

    Members of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center celebrated Christmas early with students from Lucille Moore Elementary School during the annual “Spread the Joy” event Dec. 19. Led by the Emergency Management team, AFCEC members provided the children of their community a hot meal and presents to

  • Fiscal triad delivers for the Tyndall Rebuild

    The final months of FY19 were rewarding for Tyndall Air Force Base as they received the June 2019 Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act to increase their annual operations and maintenance budget by a massive 450 percent. Under the act, O&M funding assigned $56 million to sustain

  • AFIMSC Force Development Manager recognized

    Behind every skilled Airman, there is a force development manager making sure they have the best, most current training available. For the Explosive Ordnance Disposal career field, Senior Master Sgt. Robert D. Krumlinde, EOD Force Development manager, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, takes that

  • BRAC team earns U.S. EPA award for Myrtle Beach cleanup, redevelopment

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently presented the National Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse award to the Air Force Civil Engineer Center Base Realignment and Closure Program Management Division for the environmental cleanup and redevelopment of the former Myrtle Beach Air

  • AFCEC makes breakthrough to keep mission moving

    TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. – After nearly five years of research, and despite a hurricane that crippled critical testing facilities, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center is on the cusp of delivering a visionary product that repairs damaged pavement and keeps the mission moving.“This project is a

  • Florida resilience chief gets look at Tyndall rebuild

    Florida’s first Chief Resilience Officer Dr. Julia Nesheiwat visited Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, to see first-hand the Tyndall Program Management Office’s plans to develop and rebuild a resilient “Installation of the Future.” The main responsibility of the CRO is to prepare Florida for the

  • PMO, USACE partner to rebuild Tyndall

    After Hurricane Michael hit Tyndall Air Force Base in October 2018, the Air Force and Army forged a partnership with a single vision in mind--to build the “Installation of the future.” The Tyndall Project Management Office is rebuilding the base and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers became an

  • Air Force Housing Helpline Connects Residents to the Support They Seek

    Since its launch in May 2019, Air Force Housing Helpline has been helping residents resolve concerns with Air Force privatized and government housing. AFCEC's Installations Directorate, which manages and executes the Air Force’s housing program, established 1-800-482-6431 as 24-hour helpline to

  • Air Force, USFWS partner to protect natural, cultural resources

    Air Force natural and cultural resources are now safer, thanks to a new conservation law enforcement partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. AFCEC and USFWS formed a joint Conservation Law Enforcement Partnership, or CLEP, this fall, placing six CLEOs across five Air Force

  • 136 Memorial Workout: EOD remembers fallen

    Service members of the 786th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal flight participated in the EOD 136 Memorial Workout at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Nov. 5, 2019.The workout honors the memory of the 136 Department of Defense EODtechnicians that have lost their lives in the line of

  • Air Force tests plasma reactor to degrade, destroy PFOS, PFOA

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Civilian researchers completed a two-week field demonstration here Sept. 25 using an innovative plasma technology to degrade and destroy perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid, known as PFOS and PFOA, in groundwater.This was the first field

  • 19th AW trains in aircraft radiological recovery

    The 19th Airlift Wing held radiological aircraft recovery training at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, Oct. 24 and Oct. 31, 2019, in order to hone their ability to provide Rapid Global Mobility within contested environments and prepare Airmen to compete with peer adversaries in every domain.The

  • AFIMSC seeks ideas for Innovation Rodeo

    The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center kicks off its second annual Innovation Rodeo with a call-for-topics campaign Nov. 1.The campaign, open through Dec. 15, gives military and civilian members of mission support groups worldwide a chance to win part of $1 million in funding and

  • Connectedness the key to defeating the enemy

    For the Tyndall AFB team, identifying the enemy has taken on a heightened sense of urgency since Hurricane Michael’s landfall on Oct. 10, 2018. The storm not only leveled the base, it wreaked havoc on the lives of Airmen, civilian employees and family members displaced and impacted. Since then, the

  • 19th SFS and EOD replicate Joint contingency operations

    Explosive Ordnance Disposal Airmen from the 19th Civil Engineer Squadron and defenders from the 19th Security Forces Squadron participated in a Joint training exercise with pilots from the Arkansas Army National Guard, Oct. 22, 2019, to accurately simulate what could be seen in a contingency

  • 97 CES receives, welcomes new fire truck

    The 97th Civil Engineer Squadron received its newest addition to the fire truck fleet, a hazardous material rescue engine (Rescue 9), on Oct. 23, 2019, at Altus Air Force Base, Okla.

  • Offutt Fire Station updates, renovates

    Offutt Air Force Base Fire Station 2, originally built in May 1972 and located off-base near Rising View, is currently undergoing a $1.3 million renovation that began earlier this year.

  • Bioenvironmental: Protecting our Airmen

    The 48th Aerospace Medicine Squadron Bioenvironmental Engineering flight are an integral part in completing the mission at the Liberty Wing because they ensure every office and shop have a healthy and safe workplace.To help accomplish this the bioenvironmental technicians use special equipment to

  • 108th Civil Engineer Squadron building dedicated to Capt. Robert Mendez

    On Oct. 19, 2019, the 108th Civil Engineer Squadron’s building on Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., was dedicated to Capt. Robert M. Mendez who passed away from kidney cancer on Jan. 16, 2017.Robert Mendez was the deputy base civil engineer for the 108th CES. He was responsible for overseeing

  • 19 CES Airman follows dreams to become AF firefighter

    A young boy walks through a firehouse with boots laid out and fire gear hung across the hooks one after the other, waiting to be donned by firefighters in response to whatever disaster has interrupted the lives of the public.

  • CEMIRT increases productivity despite hurricane direct hit

    The damage unleashed when Hurricane Michael struck Tyndall AFB in October 2018 hasn’t deterred the Civil Engineer Maintenance Inspection and Repair Team from delivering the installation support the Air Force expects. In fact, despite damaged homes, displaced families and disrupted lives, the CEMIRT

  • Hurricane Michael: One year later

    By wind and water it came. Before leaving, Hurricane Michael nearly took with it what had taken more than 70 years of history to build. In its wake, the category 5 storm left behind a historic tragedy – although 12 months have passed, remains evident. The day of the storm began with a Tyndall Air

  • CMAFS fire department trains hard, works with community

    Fighting fires on Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, Colorado, is often unlike fighting fires anywhere else. That should be no surprise, given that CMAFS hosts the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, a massive subterranean facility made of steel, constructed under a mile and a half of rock.

  • Showcasing technology at STEM event

    Holloman Airmen traveled to Roswell,NM to teach middle and high school students about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics career fields.

  • 97 CES Concludes Fire Prevention Week with Parade

    For Fire Prevention Week this year, the 97th Civil Engineer Squadron ended its festivities with a parade through base housing and an open house at the Fire Station, Sept. 28, at Altus Air Force Base, Okla.

  • Clean energy partnership demonstrates ‘alternative’ way to move aircraft

    The Hawaii Air National Guard [HIANG] demonstrated the use of alternative energy to tow a KC-135 Stratotanker. A U-30 Aircraft Tow Tractor retrofitted with hydrogen fuel cells was used to tow the 186,000 pound aircraft on the flightline of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam and demonstrate the efficacy

  • Tyndall holds third industry day to plan rebuild of base

    Resilient. Sustainable. Adaptable. This was the mantra of Air Force planners, community leaders and industry representatives collaborating on the rebuild of Tyndall Air Force Base during an industry day held near the base Sept. 12. Nearly a year after Hurricane Michael caused massive destruction to